can bed bug kill you

Can Bed Bug Kill You? | Don’t Let Them Bite!

You’ve just been bit by a bed bug…

…now your only concern is

Can bed bug kill you?

This is a logical concern since some insects can make you sick or even kill you.

Well, stay calm and read on and this question will be answered for you.

Are Bed Bug Bites Lethal?

According to the CDC, bed bugs do not transmit disease, but there has been one death reported.

In rare cases bed bugs can make some people sick.

For people with an allergic reaction to these bites can get cause you to be sick and need to seek medical attention.

The most common health issues are stress, insomnia, sleep deprivation, and anxiety that can be so bad that it can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder from the infestation of bed bugs.

Another way that you could develop a serious problem from bed bug bites is from excessive scratching which can infect the bite area.

It’s important to avoid scratching bites to prevent infection and scarring.

can bed bug kill you

How Can I Treat Bed Bug Bites?

The vast majority of bed bug bite victims will have itchy welts on their skin that resemble a mosquito bite.

can bed bugs make you sick

Here are some ways to treat your bed bug bites below:

  • antihistamines, to help relieve allergic reactions
  • topical creams, such as cortisone, to relieve itching
  • wash the bite area thoroughly with hot water and use soap

Bed bug bites usually heal within two weeks of the occurrence.

If you are concerned about your bites or feeling sick it’s best to seek medical advice from your physician to make sure you are ok and get help for your bites.

When Do Bed Bugs Bite?

Bed bugs are nocturnal and usually feed between midnight and 5 AM. Although, a hungry bed bug will feed any time of day.

They hate the light and prefer the dark and it will hide till it’s ready to feed again. Usually, in a dark area that is near, it’s feeding source.

Every 5 to 10 days bed bugs will feed, but they can last a long time without feeding.

These blood-suckers prefer the blood of humans but will feed on animals too. Bed bugs are attracted to the warmth of humans and carbon dioxide.


Can bed bug kill you? Well, it’s possible, but at this point in time, it’s highly unlikely. They do pose some health concerns and some people can be allergic to them.

It’s always best to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any concerns from bed bug bites. You should also avoid scratching your bites in order to prevent infections and scarring.

If you are waking up with bites and have seen bed bugs either dead or alive you should act quickly to get rid of them as fast as possible.

To use the same spray that effectively eradicated bed bugs when I was battling them. You can invest in it here and read more on our home page.