what to do if I have bed bugs in my apartment

What Should You Do If You Have Bed Bugs In Your Apartment? (Do This!)

At some point in most peoples lives, they have probably lived in a rental property or an apartment.

It can be a good experience or it can be a bad experience depending on a lot of factors…

Such as your neighbors, the location, and if your property is properly taken care of with regular maintenance and upkeep.

I’ve lived in ok rentals and apartments that ranged from good to excellent.

It didn’t really matter how well I took care of my place if the surrounding neighbors didn’t take care of theirs.

what should you do if you have bed bugs in your apartment

That’s probably the most agervating aspects of apartment life at that time. I remember one apartment complex I lived in had over 1100 units.

It was so large it was bound to have some problems. At these apartments there was an area that was infested with bedbugs.

Fortunately for myself the apartments that had the bed bugs infestation were far away from me and I never ended up getting bed bugs, but plenty of people I knew did.

It was awful for them… They were so upset! Some of them had to evacuate their apartment for a few days.

While they had their apartments treated for bed bug infestation. The manager of the complex was working to stop the spread of these bed bugs.

Long story short I think it’s worth mentioning what you should do if you have bed bugs in your apartment.

what should you do if you have bed bugs in your apartment

How To Deal With Bed Bugs At Your Apartment

If you would like to see a list of most infested cities you can find out if your city is in the top ten list of most bed bug infestations.

Just remember that no matter where you live you are at risk of getting bed bugs and should always take precautions to prevent them from entering your home.

This Video Shows What NOT To Do If You Have Bed Bugs In Your Apartment

It’s never a good idea to do anything that can get you in trouble… it’s understandable that you will be upset if your place gets bed bugs.

Just keep a cool head and follow these steps:

I’m not an attorney so I wouldn’t be an authority on the law, but I did find this list of steps that you can take that will help you in case you have bed bugs in your apartment.

This article explains if your landlord is liable or not for bed bug infestations

Depending on where you live you should check on the laws regarding this issue for your state.

*As a tenant you should report the problem immediately

*If you can try to capture a bed bug that you can show to your apartment manager

Bed bugs can rapidly spread from one apartment to another…

That’s why you should report this problem as soon as you see a bed bug.

what should You Do If You Have bed bugs in your apartment

What Keeps Bed Bugs Away From Your Home?

Now that you have had bed bugs or experienced a situation that put you at risk of bed bugs…

you’ll want to keep bed bugs away from your home and you can do so buy following the tips below:

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass

One natural way to keep bed bugs away from your home is to get essential oils from any on the list above and place 8-10 drops in a spray bottle.

Spray the areas of your home that were infested… If you’re still noticing bed bugs this spray will kill them on contact.


A bed bug infestation is one concern you might face if you live in an apartment and I hope you have found some useful tips in case you have to deal with this problem.

If your apartment is treated for bedbugs following these steps can help you prevent them from coming back into your home.