what do bed bugs eat

What Do Bed Bugs Eat? The Answer May Surprise You…

What do bed bugs eat?

That’s a good question and the answer may surprise you… Bed bugs will sometimes feed on animals, but what they prefer to feed on is human blood.

Have you ever woke up with a cluster of itchy red welts? They look like the picture below:

can bed bugs make you sick

Bed bug bites itch but do not scratch them you don’t want the bites to become infected and you don’t want to have scares either.

If you have already been scratching your bed bug bites read how to treat bed bug bites.

What do bed bugs eat is an easy question to answer. The more difficult part is what you should do to get rid of them.

You have several options and choosing the right option comes down to a few things.

Such as how bad of a bed bug infestation do you have? You should also determine if you want to get rid of bed bugs with proven do it yourself methods.

Or do you want to hire a professional to get rid of bed bugs for you?

Most people will try to save money and do it yourself as I did. You just need to have the patience and persistence to put in the effort it will take to take on this frustrating assignment.

On the other hand, if money is not an issue then hiring a professional pest control technician will be the way to go.


what do bed bugs eat


How to Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Without A Professional

What do bed bugs eat has been answered. So if you have decided that you want to get rid of bed bugs on your own the following methods have been proven to work.

#1. Bed Bug Spray

Your local store offers a variety of bed bug sprays, but my experience was that they were not very effective.

One of the reasons for this is that most of these store-bought sprays were not specifically designed to kill bed bugs.

They also didn’t offer any safety for pets which was an important factor for me. I wanted to eradicate bed bugs without harming my pets.

The spray I used to kill bed bugs worked with amazing results… I highly recommend it!

It’s safe for pets. won’t stain your furniture and no chemical smell.


what do bed bugs eat


#2. Lavender Oil

You can get rid of bed bugs with lavender oil. To learn more about this method read this article on using lavender to get rid of bed bugs.


And for 15 ways to get rid of bed bugs read the tips here.


How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Professionally?


What do bed bugs eat is enough to scare some and with that being said you may not want to get anywhere near them and decide having a professional is the way to go.

If this is an emergency situation here are some pest control companies that offer 24/7 service.

Most pest control companies will offer a free inspection and when they are finished inspecting your home will give you an estimate of how much the treatment will cost.

The technician will discuss the method of treatment that is best and goes over what you need to do in order to prep your home for their treatment.

what do bed bugs eat


What do bed bugs eat can be enough to make you want to abandon your home, but no need to do that. You can get rid of bed bugs on your own like I did or hire a pest control service.

Either way, you can beat the bed bugs. If you have additional questions about bed bugs check out our other articles.



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