does alcohol kill bed bugs

Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs?

Are you waking up with red itchy bumps? Wondering if you might have bed bugs and now you’re looking for ways to kill bed bugs?

If you answered Yes to any of those questions then you have come to the right place. When I found out I had bed bugs the first thing I did was look for ways to kill them.

There are some natural ways to kill bed bugs that are effective. In today’s post, you’ll learn about the question does alcohol kill bed bugs.

Can I Use Alcohol To Kill Bed Bugs?

Well, it’s possible you might kill some, but it’s not very effective. Especially if you have an infestation. Believe me, you don’t want to go with half-measures when you have bed bugs.

What you want is the complete and total eradication of all bed bugs so you can live in peace without the stress of bed bugs crawling all over your home.

Bed bugs quickly reproduce and just one female bed bug can produce 500 eggs in her lifetime.

Rutgers University conducted a study in 2013 where they tested several substances against bed bugs.

They sprayed bed bugs with alcohol and found that within just 4 days, half of the bed bugs were still alive.

does alcohol kill bed bugs

Tips If You Decide To Use Rubbing Alcohol To Kill Bed Bugs

If you still want to give this method a try, it’s recommended that you use a 91% solution of isopropyl alcohol; this will give you the best results.

As a word of caution rubbing alcohol might stain your mattress or leave marks and stains on your valuable furniture in your home.

If you are being bitten by bed bugs bites spray the corners of your mattress and headboard.

Changing your sheets as often as possible every couple of days is another way to reduce bed bugs from biting you.

Rubbing alcohol is highly flammable so it’s another reason I don’t recommend this way to treat bed bugs in your home.

Alcohol evaporates quickly so you will need multiple treatments to have your best chance for success.

does alcohol kill bed bugs


So, to answer the question if you should use alcohol to kill bed bugs? I would not recommend killing bed bugs this way.

It’s been shown to be an ineffective way to kill bed bugs. If you are serious about getting rid of bed bugs and prefer to treat them on your own.

Check out my story on our home page and use the spray I used to eradicate bed bugs quickly and permanently.