do bed bugs jump

Do Bed Bugs Jump? That’s A Good Question…Here’s The Answer

Do Bed Bugs Jump?

So do bed bugs jump?

The answer to that question is No.

Although bed bugs can move from person to person.

It’s usually from the movement of crawling.

Bed bugs are blood-feeding insects.

If you suspect you have bed bugs its important to act fast.

READ: 7 Best Ways To Prevent Bed Bugs

Fortunately, bed bugs are not known to carry disease.

Below are common ways to get bed bugs:

  • Luggage
  • Gym Bags
  • Second Hand Furniture
  • Dressing Rooms

Those are a few ways to get bed bugs.

Although there are many others.

If you are experiencing bites …

READ: How To Prevent Scars

Do bed bugs jump?

That is a common question.

They don’t jump but are excellent hiders.

You will probably not spot them unless you know how to find them.

do bed bugs jump


How To Spot Bed Bugs

It’s important to inspect for bed bugs if you think you have them.

They can quickly spread throughout your home.

Below Are Ways To Check For Bed Bugs:

  • Check Behind Picture Frames
  • Box Springs
  • Bed Frame
  • Head Board

Any place you spend a lot of time is good places to check for bed bugs.

They usually hide near the areas that are easy to reach their feeding source.

Their favorite feeding source is human blood.


Puffy Lux


Bed Bug Bites

One of the first signs that I had bed bugs was waking up with bites.

Below Are Common Areas To Get Bites:

  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Legs
  • Shoulders

The bites are usually in clusters or lines of 3 or 4.

And resemble a mosquito bite in appearance.

To learn more about bed bug bites Medical News Today goes into more detail here.


do bed bugs jump


Bed Bugs Treatment

So you checked for bed bugs and find out you have them.

Now what?

That depends on a few things.

If you have a total infestation you would want to hire a pest control technician.

READ: Best Pest Control Companies In America

And if you have caught this problem early you could go for the least expensive method.

Do it yourself which is effective if you are persistent.

If you want a bed bug spray that is safe for your family and pets.

SayByeBugs Bed Bug Spray

It’s safe to spray directly on your furniture and this is important because these bloodsuckers are commonly found in your bedding or furniture.

The spray kills them instantly and has no chemical order.

And if you want to learn of other do it yourself methods.

READ: 15 Ways To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Fast

Discover powerful ways to eradicate bed bugs.



Do bed bugs jump?


Although they can crawl, hide, and quickly spread.

So if you suspect you have bed bugs.

You must quickly inspect your home for them.

If you are waking up with bites.

This is a good indicator you have bed bugs.

You can hire a pest technician or get rid of bed bugs with do it yourself methods.

That is a decision that should be make fast.

Your mission is to eradicate all bed bugs before the problem worsens.

If you know of anyone that wants an answer to do bed bugs jump.

Please share this article.

If you want to learn more about say bye bugs read my story here.