can bed bugs make you sick

Can Bed Bugs Make You Sick? (Health Concerns For Some)

Have you ever wondered can bed bugs make you sick?

If so, then you’re in the right place.

It makes sense to be curious since these pests suck blood it can be concerning that they may spread disease to those they bite.

In this post, you’ll learn if you can get sick from bed bugs, how to treat bed bug bites, and what you can do to protect your home from bed bugs.

can bed bugs make you sick

Do Bed Bug Bites Make You Sick?

In most cases, bed bugs are not a major health concern, but for some people, they can have a negative allergic reaction to bed bug bites.

You can rest easy knowing that bed bugs are not known to spread disease according to the CDC.

That’s the good news!

The bad news is that some people can experience a negative allergic reaction from bed bug bites.

If you have these symptoms you may have an allergic reaction to bed bug bites and need to seek medical attention:

  • Bed Bug Bites Become Red And Swollen
  • Your Bites Form Blisters Or Sores
  • You Have A Fever

Your physician can also help diagnose the bites and let you know if it’s from a bed bug. So it’s always good see your doctor if you are in doubt and feeling ill from these bites.

can bed bugs make you sick

What are the signs And symptoms Of Bed Bug Bites?

Bed bug bites are commonly found on the face, neck, and legs. Although they can bite anywhere on the body.

The bites are usually in clusters or lines of 3 or 4 bites in a row.

See picture below for an example:

can bed bugs make you sick

The bites are very itchy and it’s important to resist the itch!

Because it can infect the bite and cause scarring to occur.

If you’re waking up with these bites it’s a good chance it’s from bed bugs.

How Can I Treat Bed Bug Bites

If you find that you have bites then you can do the following to treat these bites and also help to relieve the itchings.

#1. Reduce the itch by washing with soap and water on the bite area.

#2. If the bites still itch you can get an over the counter corticosteroid cream.

Bed bug bites normally go away within 2 weeks, but sometimes it can take up to 4 weeks.

Do your best to avoid itching these bites to help them heal faster and prevent infection or scarring.

can bed bugs make you sick

How Can I Protect My Home From Bed Bugs?

Preventing bed bugs in the first place is what most people probably don’t focus on or even worry about.

On the other side of this.

After treating a bed bug infestation you’ll never want to go through it again.

Here are some ways to prevent getting bed bugs or having them reenter your home.

When traveling this is one of the most common ways to get bed bugs and how I became a victim.

When staying in a hotel some key areas to check are:

  • Headboards
  • Corners Of The Bed
  • Boxspring
  • Inside Pillow Cases

Keep your luggage off the floor and off the mattress. By following these tips and being aware of your surrounding you can help prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride home with you.


Can bed bugs make you sick? For most people, you are not at risk of getting sick, but for some people, they can have an allergic reaction.

If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of bed bugs bites and those bites are getting worse or causing you to have a fever you should seek medical attention.

Your doctor can tell you if these indeed bed bug bites and what you can do to treat these bites. Also, it’s difficult not to scratch these bites because they itch so bad.

But you should avoid picking or scratching these bites to avoid infection and scarring. Most bed bug bites should heal within 2 weeks.

Prevention is always the best way to stop bed bugs in the first place. It’s very common to pick up a bed bug when traveling. So be aware of your surroundings.

For more information on treating bed bugs read this post to help you eradicate bed bugs fast.

If you would like us to answer a bed bug related question, leave it in the comments below… Thank You 🕵️‍♀️