Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs|What’s Biting You?

Are you wondering if you have bed bugs?

If you are then you’ll want to read this post to help you identify some of the bugs that are look-alikes for bed bugs.

Bugs that look like bed bugs can make you panic and you might not have them.

So proper identification is important before you start treatment. So remain calm and check out this list of bugs.

If you find that you do have bed bugs and you have caught the problem early you can use the spray that I used to get rid of bed bugs permanently.

Or if you find it’s a big problem here is a list of 24-hour pest control that can help you quickly.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Before we start to look at bugs that look like bed bugs…

Let’s identify what bed bugs are and what they look like.

bugs that look like bed bugs

Bed bugs are flat oval and reddish brown in appearance. They do not jump or have wings… And I for one am very glad about that.

They feed on the blood of humans and sometimes animals.

They usually reside as close as possible to their food source and that’s why you commonly find them on or around beds.

They are very good at hiding and that can make them hard to spot. Even though they are known to be found on the bed they can live in other areas of your home too.

Like furniture, outlets, and even your car. Really any place that humans spend long periods of time.

Say Bye Bugs Spray

Top 3 Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs

#1. Bat Bugs

bugs that look like bed bugs

I have bat bugs at the top of the list because they look the most like a bed bugs and are often mistaken for bed bugs.

They primarily feed on bats … which Is a good thing for us humans.

Bat bugs are Beige or Dark Brown in color and are mostly found in the midwestern part of the united states.

A bat bug also has longer hair which can be hard to see, but worth noting.

If your home has bats then by removing the bats the bat bugs will likely leave too. They need bat blood to reproduce.

#2. Carpet Beetle

bugs that look like bed bugs

The next bug on the list is the carpet beetle it is similar in shape but differs in many ways from bed bugs.

They have wings and can fly and they are not known for biting…

… but can cause an allergic reaction of dermatitis to some people.

The most common ways to get carpet beetles in your home is by bringing in fresh cut flowers.

They are usually found on carpet or fabrics.

#3. Fleas

bugs that look like bed bugs

Most people are familiar with fleas, but sometimes they are confused with bed bugs. Let’s look a some of the differences with fleas vs bed bugs.

Fleas also don’t have wings, but they do jump and leave itchy bites to their victims. Usually, fleas are brought into your home from pets.

They have round heads and long legs. Another difference is that fleas are known vectors for a number of diseases.

The color for fleas is reddish brown making them similar in color to bed bugs.


As you can see bugs that look like bed bugs are easy to mistake for the real thing. Especially bat bugs they are very close in appearance.

Bed bugs can become a serious problem and if you find that you have them in your home it’s best to act quickly. Don’t wait for it to become a big problem.

Do you have a bed bug related question?

Feel free to leave it in the comments and we’ll do our best to respond with a post reply on getridbedbugs.com or directly to you as quick as possible.