bed bug light

Bed Bug Light-Find Them Before They Find You!

Are you looking for ways to catch and find bed bugs?

Wondering if bed bug light is an effective tool?

If you want to know more about these questions you’ll learn just that in this post.

Before my encounter with bed bugs, I really didn’t know that much about them. In fact, they were nothing more than a saying… you know the one.

Don’t let the bed bugs bite!

Well they are indeed real and a complete nightmare if they get into your home.

If you suspect you have bed bugs you should act fast to stop them from spreading throughout your home and causing an infestation.

Catching them early can lower the cost substantially and help you get back to sleep without the fear and worry of bed bugs biting and crawling on you.

So what’s the best bed bug light and how does it help you find bed bugs?

That’s what you’ll find out as you read on.

bed bug light

Bed Bug Light…What Is It?

The bed bug UV Light helps you find and detect bed bugs. When you aim the light you’ll be able to see bed bug droppings and eggs in fluoresce light.

It’s most commonly used to find these pest on the mattress, pillow, and to quickly scan bedding. Although it can be used anywhere you suspect bed bugs.

Use The Bed Bug UV Light:

  • Curtains
  • Carpet
  • Dorms
  • Movie Theatre
  • Hotel Room
  • Furniture

Anywhere you suspect bed bugs of hiding.

It’s also useful to find head lice or pet urine stains.

Once you have detected bed bugs you can effectively eradicate bed bugs with my recommended spray to kill them fast.

bed bug light

What Are Bed Bugs?

Some people get bed bugs confused with other bugs. So, what are bed bugs?

Bed bugs have the following characteristics:

  • Reddish Brown In Color
  • Wingless (Don’t Fly or Jump)
  • Flat cylinder shape
  • Feed On Blood
  • Size 3/16″ Long

Because of their name, you might think that these insects only found on or around beds, but this is not true.

You can find them anywhere that people spend extended periods of time. They want to be close to their food source and want easy access to it.

That’s why bed bugs are usually found on beds.

bed bug light

How Do I Find Bed Bugs?

Starting with your bed the most common place to find bed bugs check visible areas first.

Check the stitch lines, corners, and even the mattress label. After completing this stand the mattress upright so you can check the bottom of the mattress.

Repeat this process with the boxspring next. You will want to remove the ticking and check the wood inside the box spring to make sure there are no bed bugs.

After completing that you should check the bed frame. You will want to pay close attention to overlapping parts of the frame. This is a great hiding place for bed bugs.

When you have completed these steps with your bed move on to your furniture.

Repeat the following steps by starting with a visible inspection of all corners of the furniture. Move the furniture away from the wall.

Look at the backing, seams, and screw holes.

When checking night stand or dresser remove drawers and pull out clothing. check bottom of drawers too.

Continue checking your furniture and any other items you suspect bed bugs.

Once you are finished move on to your laundry and either clean in high heat and dry in high heat or get a garbage bag and throw out clothes that you found or suspect bed bugs.

Seal bag and immediately take it outside to be placed in the garbage.


Using a bed bug light is an effective way to spot and catch bed bugs. You can use it to find other insects too.

Bed bugs can be confused with other insects, but some ways to spot them is that they are oval-shaped, reddish brown in color, and very small 3/16″ long.

These bloodsuckers can be found most commonly on or around beds, but they will reside anywhere that people spend long periods of time.

When you’ve completed your inspection of bed bugs any areas you find them can be treated by yourself with this do it yourself method or you can hire a pest control company which will be the most expensive option.